SCP-662 // "Mr. Deeds"





Anomaly Classification System (ACS)

Safe: The item requires minimal Special Containment Procedures and is easily contained.

Vlam: The disruption caused by this item is localised to a small group of people.

Caution: The anomalous effects of this item are nearly mild to moderate and an individual may feel mild effects from the object.

██/██/198█ Image depicting SCP-662

Revision 12/24/198█ | Special Containment Procedures


SCP-662 is to be kept in a Standard Anomalous Object Handling box inside of the Loading Bay Section at Paragon Research Facility. 

Routine Checkups will occur by combative personnel to ensure SCP-662 is properly seated inside of the handling box.

SCP-662 has became a high priority target by Class-D personnel in the event that they escape from the Class-D Containment Zone.

Personnel ranking Security Class 3 and higher may enter the Loading Bay with a combative escort to retrieve SCP-662 and use it at their will.

Perssonnel may talk to SCP-662 freely, but are to follow Title 4: Chapter 1: Section 4 "SCP-662" of the Code of Ethics. 


SCP-662 is a standard bell with intricate engravings. The bell looks modeled in the shape of a butler's bell used in around mid 18th or 19th century to call for service. The PRI logo is engraved on the bell, however, it is noted that Mr. Deeds, who we will get to in a minute, said that it was engraved by a Foundation personnel or someone else.

Upon the bell being rung, a humanoid* known as SCP-662-1 or "Mr. Deeds"  dressed in a butler outfit will make its way to the bell holder from a random location in the bell holder's area. SCP-662-1 will then ask the bell holder what service they require, referring to them as "sir". SCP-662-1 is capable of a multitude of tasks, including providing firearms, items, and outfits to the bell holder and individuals around them. SCP-662-1 will try to the best of their ability to complete a task, if the task is impossible to complete, SCP-662-1 will notify the bell holder. 

SCP-662-1 is capable of teleportation, vanishing into black smoke when SCP-662-1 does so. If SCP-662-1 becomes violent, SCP-662-1's preferred killing method is to stab the individual numerous times before they are killed. 

Addendum 662.1 | Prior History: Personnel are not to ask SCP-662-1 for their prior history. If they do so, SCP-662-1 will provide a singular warning before terminating the subject.

*SCP-662 appears to be human but due to its anomalous nature, it's classified as a humanoid.

Different Outfits

SCP-662-1 in his "Chef" outfit

SCP-662-1 in his "Normal" outfit

SCP-662-1 in his "Assassin" outfit

Addendum 0.1 // SCP-662-1 // 'Outfits'

Senior Researcher Dr. Allison did multiple tests to find out the meaning behind the new outfits, and discovered the following. 

The following is a excerpt from Dr Allison's findings, recorded on 03/03/198█.

Normal/Butler: Deeds default outfit, in this outfit Deeds will respond to most requests done by none bell-holders.

Chef: Deeds cooking outfit, Deeds will equip this when a bell-holder requests he man a cafeteria station and dispense drinks to personnel. Deeds may also sometimes decide to go into this outfit by himself when there are no bell-holders. In this outfit he will not respond to requests other then drinks by none bell-holders.

Assassin: Deeds assassination outfit, Deeds will equip this outfit when a bell-holder requests him to assassinate someone or when possessed by SCP-131-GRY. In this outfit he will hunt down and kill people he has been requested to. He will not respond to requests by none bell-holders in this outfit. 

Dr Allison also learnt throughout extensive testing that SCP-662 does not leave the room while gathering objects requested. However, more testing is required.