SCP-131 // "Eyepods"





Anomaly Classification System (ACS)

Safe: The object requires minimal Special Containment Procedures and are easily contained.

Vlam: The disruption caused by this item is localised to a small group of people.

Notice: The anomalous effects of this item are nearly non-existent.

Revision 05/12/19██ | Special Containment Procedures


SCP-131 is to be kept in a Standard Anomalous Entity Chamber inside Cleanrooms, Chamber 04, at Paragon Research Facility. 

SCP-131-PPL is to be considered classified as Euclid, a separate containment file is not needed for SCP-131-PPL.

SCP-131-PPL is to not be allowed near SCP-049 at any given time.

SCP-131-O-S confirmed to research personnel that they're not from Earth.

Any SCP-131 instance will not appreciate having a light shown in their eyes, chemical sprayed in their eyes, etc.

Addendum 131.2 // SCP-131

As stated from a Orange Striped interview, they originate from the Andromeda Galaxy, are from all over said galaxy and not from one single planet and that there are lots more still out there in the galaxy. 

This was discovered by Dr O'Connors, during a interview.

Addendum 131.1 // SCP-131-GRY

The following was observed by Dr. Gren following a collection of chemical harvesting deemed unofficially by many members of the foundation, 'Unethical'.

'Any 131 can "call" SCP-131-GRY when in extreme distress, such as being harvested for samples(ex:strong light shined in their eyes) and possibly other situations, such as unethical tests regarding these anomalous creatures.' 

There is no known way of avoiding a GRY-131 appearance due to 131 distress. Please keep in mind you are responsible for all or any breaches caused by 131-GRY in the result of something like this.

SCP-131-R | Red

SCP-131-R is a small, red, teardrop shaped creature with a single white eye in the middle of it's body. SCP-131-R is known as a playful, mischievous instance of SCP-131, and often enjoys playing "pranks" on foundation personnel. SCP-131-R does not currently understand English, besides its name, "Red", and will need a translator if you wish to speak to it. Personnel are to be cautious of 131-R's tricks, and ensure they are not lead into forbidden areas.

Revision 6/27/19██ : SCP-131-R has been shown to be able to acknowledge simple English phrases or anything that may benefit SCP-131-R, such as SCP-131-R nodding it's head after a Researcher asks if SCP-131-R wants access to a room that SCP-131-R cannot go in.

SCP-131-B | Blue

A skittish and very uncooperative SCP-131 variant. It shows hate towards Class-Ds but more interest in Foundation Personnel. When a Class-D is present, it tries to avoid eye contact with them, unlike with FP.  It will show interest for around 20 seconds before starting to mind its own business if the Foundation Personnel try to interact with it. It enjoys being alone and tries to ignore a person if one is nearby. Usually, it will stay in its containment and play alone. 

SCP-131-O | Orange

SCP 131-O is one of the easiest instances to test out of all of the other SCP 131 instances. It enjoys spending time socializing and playing with others, and can easily bond with humans and get emotionally attached to them if treated with respect (a death of a friend can result in grief). This instance is also really cooperative with requests and seems to be naturally curious, easily getting engaged on interviews and tests; another trait of -O favourable for testing is that it dislikes lying or pranking others. SCP 131-O also likes to stand up for its friends when they are in distress, however, this trait comes with limitations if a situation gets out of hand. Finally, it is worth noting that SCP-131-O takes a particular liking to SCP 131-P. 

SCP-131-W | White

 SCP-131-W is capable of great speed, easily outrunning any other SCP-131 instance. An understanding on how movement is achieved is yet to be discovered. SCP-131-W is generally friendly and cooperative in nature. Normally attempting to be useful by helping personnel in their duties. SCP-131-W does not show any fear of combatives or Class-D, attempting to play or interact with most personnel on-site. SCP-131-W commonly circles the person it is interacting with to signal agreement or friendship. It may also spin in circles when confused or looking for someone.

SCP-131-G | Green

Generally SCP-131-G remains very cautious of anyone or anything nearby and maintains eye contact with anyone interacting with it, however it can easily lose interest in said person walking away to find something else to look at. Green is scared by loud noises (Gunshots), it tends to jump about and spin in fear if anything unexpected happens. Green is also extremely cooperative with personnel and appears to enjoy talking with people, FP and CD alike. Green usually keeps a certain distance from people avoiding physical contact, although shows no fear of people unless they pose a threat to it. 

SCP-131-PPL | Purple

The purple variant of SCP-131 is extremely mischievous, often causing plenty of problems. It loves to play pranks and tricks on foundation staff and often locks staff into places they are unable to exit from. It travels using the site wide vent system. Problems that it may cause include opening the Transfer Gates, locking staff into places, and breaching SCPs of high danger levels. It is recommended that staff do not interact with this instance.

It is mandated that personnel do not bring SCP-131-PPL into contact with SCP-049. 

SCP-131-P | Pink

A friendly and semi-cooperative as well as curious variant of SCP-131, likes to meet new people and explore areas. Only willing to do things that it finds interesting and will play games with Foundation Personnel when asked to, ex. tag, hide, and seek. Often nudges your leg wanting affection and attention 

SCP-131-B-S | Blue Striped

SCP-131-B-S is the striped variant of 131 blue. It is currently unknown if this variant understands English, as it refuses to answer questions asked by Scientific Personnel. This instance is known to be very snub towards everyone it sees, and will turn away from anybody trying to interact with it. Striped blue has been observed to prefer being on its own rather than interacting with personnel. 

SCP-131-G-S | Green Striped

SCP-131-G-S is the striped variant of 131 green. This variant understands English, and is very cooperative with personnel. Striped green often attempts to play with personnel, and has difficulty staying still. It has proven to be very curious, inspecting paintings and other peripherals. Striped Green is not afraid of Class-D personnel and often enjoys their presence. 

SCP-131-W-S | White Striped

SCP-131-W-S is the striped variant of 131 white. This variant understands the English language, and is very similar to its counterpart. 131-W-S is playful, as well as calm. It treats Class-D and FP equally, and is easily frightened by gunshots. SCP-131-W-S will not grow an attachment toward any personnel, but is friendly. This variant may very well be the most cooperative. 

SCP-131-O-S | Orange Striped

131-O-S Is the striped variant of 131 Orange. This variant in particular is capable of complex conversation, communication, and actions. 131-O-S understands English perfectly, and can communicate via Morse code. 131-O-S is seen to take a special liking toward science and SCP-049. 

SCP-131-R-S | Red Striped

131-R-S Is the Striped variant of 131 red. This variant is capable of understanding the English language, unlike its counterpart. Despite the fact it understands us perfectly, 131-R-S doesn’t enjoy communication. 131-R-S seems to be quiet and shy, attempting not to engage in many interactions. 

SCP-131-CYN | Cyan

SCP-131-CYN is a very playful 131 variant and gets along with other 131s and personnel. It understands English and likes to follow MD around the site, it will even try to help MD by bringing them to injured personnel. It will also stand by injured personnel until they get treatment and will become erratice when someone is shot or injured around them. Cyan is often very hyper and enjoys jumping around the site.

SCP-131-GRY | Gray

SCP-131-BLK | Black

There hasn't been any proper statements about this by the O5s, so we will no display here everything we know about it. Due to the nature of the SCP and the matter regarding it expect this information to be scrubbed at any moment.

- SCP-131-BLK only follows O5s around

- Multiple instances of SCP-131-BLK can exist at the same time

- SCP-131-BLK does not listen to O5 requests

- SCP-131-BLK and the O5s can telepathically communicate with each other

- SCP-131-BLK can teleport away when an O5 leaves it

- SCP-131-BLK does not care if you attack an O5

- SCP-131-BLK can be "killed" by SCP-131-GRY

- SCP-131-GRY cannot "control" SCP-131-BLK

There have been a total of 3 tests done on SCP-131-BLK: