SCP-500 // "Panacea"





Anomaly Classification System (ACS)

Safe: The item requires minimal Special Containment Procedures and are easily contained.

Dark: The disruption caused by this item is localized to a small group of people.

Notice: The anomalous effects of this item are nearly non-existent and poses no danger to an individual.

Revision 01/01/198█ | Special Containment Procedures


SCP-500 is to be kept in a Standard Anomalous Object Handling box inside of the Loading Bay Section at Paragon Research Facility. 

Routine Checkups will occur by combative personnel to ensure SCP-500 is properly seated inside of the handling box.

SCP-500 is only to be used while testing, other uses of SCP-500 is to be approved by the incumbent Research Director and the incumbent Scientific Department Overseer. 


SCP-500 resembles a red container with an unknown liquid inside. On the outside of the container is a red cross with the works "HEAL" written above it. Upon an individual consuming SCP-500, SCP-500 will remove any abnormalities that the individual has. This includes damage caused by other anomalies as well as the effects those anomalies have on an individual.

Addendum 500.1 | Your "ETERNAL" Reward: SCP-500 is unable to reverse the anomalous effect of SCP-034 (see page SCP-034) , being the transformation caused by SCP-034 when it is used to stab somebody.

04/21/19██: Dr. Lee attempting to use SCP-500 on an injured Security Class 3 of Engineering and Technical Services. The E&TS worker ended up in a stable state after recieving more medical treatment.

Research Finding conducted by TheOminousEntity0 and 1Elit3

The following findings were found on a research file dated March the 11th, 19XX, the file was found in a metal cabinet in a disclosed location on SL-4 of PRI. Contents of the Research Paper's final page are as stated:

Thank you to those that have helped us into finding out the extent SCP-500 has when it comes to anomalies on this site. We have discovered that SCP-500 is able to revert all abnormalities caused by the following contained anomalies at Paragon Research Institute:




However, we have not figured out how to make use of SCP-500 effects on the following anomalies:


 -SCP-330 and all of its instances


 -SCP-1200 and all of its variants



This means that of all of the anomalies contained in Paragon Research Institute that causes what we consider, abnormalities when its effects go on someone, SCP-500 is only able to revert 33% when not considering an anomaly's variants/instances.