"Waffle Maker"

Anomaly Classification System (ACS)

Safe: The item requires minimal Special Containment Procedures and is easily contained.

Dark: The disruption caused by this item is minimal and is not a concern.

Danger: The anomalous effects of the item are significant and can cause permanent side effects. 

Revision 09/28/19██ | Special Containment Procedures


SCP-1208 is to be kept in a Standard Anomalous Object Handling box inside of the Loading Bay Section at Paragon Research Facility. 

Class-D personnel after raiding the Loading Bay, have taken the SCP-1208 box and placed it next to a doorway, having an unsuspecting victim step on SCP-1208 and succumb to the anomalous effects.


SCP-1208 resembles a circular stainless steel waffle maker of antiquated design, dated back to the 1960s. It is incapable of movement and is not dangerous unless interacted with. Upon a subject interacting with SCP-1208 (touching), their limbs will slowly start to transform into a waffle, before being fully consumed and essentially becoming a full waffle. At any stage of the transformation, the subject that interacted with SCP-1208 will experience no pain and will still be fully capable of basic interaction with their surroundings. 

09/29/19██: A picture provided by Dr. Alexander of D-57497 after interacting with SCP-1208. Moments after this image, SCP-049 came into Chamber 03 and turned D-57497 into an SCP-049 "cured" instance.