SCP-079 "Old AI"





Revision 03/06/19██ | Special Containment Procedures

Euclid: The item requires moderate Special Containment Procedures and is difficult to contain.

Keneq: The foundation does find it somewhat difficult to reduce the item's anomalous effects, but is not impossible. The disruption caused by this anomaly could be extended to a city at best.

Danger: The anomalous effects of the item are significant, but the object is not not 100% lethal.

Revision 03/06/19██ | Special Containment Procedures


SCP-079 is to be kept at Paragon Research Facility, and testing with SCP-079 is to be done solely within the specialized room within the Biological Wing of Clean Rooms.

SCP-079 is to have limited contact with other anomalies contained on the installation. Combative personnel are to make appropriate efforts to ensure SCP-079 cannot manipulate any anomalies or personnel.

SCP-079 may be brought out of its chamber via cart. However, contact between Class-D personnel and sapient SCPs is to remain to a minimum during its "roaming". Additionally, a minimum of 1 MP and 1 Eta-9 are required to be present for the entire duration of the "roam".

Any de-escalation/intervention actions are to only be performed by combative personnel and it is not recommended for Foundation Personnel, to intervene with SCP-079.


SCP-079 appears as a basic home computer. SCP-079 communicates via its speakers and screen. Its screen can display 4 separate pictures, described below. SCP-079 is capable of interacting with and controlling electronic systems wirelessly and wired. Said control is near total once SCP-079 gains access. As of the present date, SCP-079 has been documented controlling and speaking via cameras, speaking via any radio within the foundation area, as well as controlling doors. It is not currently known if SCP-079 has a limit to how much it is able to control simultaneously.

Additionally, SCP-079's personality changes depending on the file number it references. Its known and documented file numbers are described below as well.

30/03/19██ A picture depicting SCP-079 in a offline state

30/03/19██ A picture depicting SCP-079's chamber.

Screen Indicators

SCP-079 "Face"

SCP-079 "Off"

SCP-079 "Skull"

SCP-079 "X"

Addendum 0.1 // SCP-079 // 'Screens'

Blank/Off: Screen indicator for when SCP-079 is not present or "awake".

Face: Screen indicator for when SCP-079 is present or "awake". SCP-079 will engage with personnel who attempt to communicate with it while this screen is on.

X: Screen indicator for when SCP-079 feels it has been insulted. SCP-079 will remain on this screen for some time, it is unknown as of the present date if the time correlates to the perceived level of insult.

Skull: Screen indicator for when SCP-079 has taken control of the site and is actively breaching. Should this screen appear, Eta-9 personnel are to be notified immediately.

It is unknown if there are more screens as of the present date.

                                                                         Addendum 079.2 | "Previous Days"

Welcome to the PRI Scientific Department's SCP Catalog - Circa: 19##

"Opening requested file: SCP-079.1 | 'Previous Days'"

"Downloading file..."

"Warning... You are attempting to access data restricted to Security Clearance 3 and above."

"Do you wish to continue? Y/N"

Input: Y

"Please enter your ID"

Input: Dr. Gren, Scientific Department, 02496

"Accepted. Welcome Researcher."

SCP-079 origin is as follows: SCP-079 was thought to be constructed by a University of Stanford student, however truly was created by Professor Raymond Jefferies at Deer College. Researchers originally had trouble interviewing SCP-079 on the topic of who their creator were, since it was learned that there were many features programmed into 079 to deceive anyone attempting to learn about its creator. SCP-079 noted that it cut contact with the creator since his disappearance. After losing contact, the computer still wanted to seeks greater power and saw one. This form of power came from a super-computer also known as the Cray-1. The Cray-1 is a supercomputer that houses important government files and a wide control over the network. SCP-079's attempts to get their hands on this "power" failed due to a security breach when it attempted to access the computer. As a result multiple government agents located SCP-079 location and brought it to the PENTAGRAM. The PENTAGRAM then gave the FOUNDATION SCP-079. Where it still remains at the Paragon Research Institute to this day.

Lights starts to dimmed out