SCP-330// "Take no more than two, please!!"





Anomaly Classification System (ACS)

Safe: The item requires minimal Special Containment Procedures and are easily contained.

Vlam: The disruption caused by this item is localized to a small group of people.

Warning: The anomalous effects of the item are mild to significant, the individual may feel mild to major effects from the item.  

Revision 15/08/19██ | Special Containment Procedures


SCP-330 is to be kept in the Loading Bay section of Paragon Research Facility.

Routine checkups are to occur by combative personnel or any other personnel with high enough clearance to enter Loading Bay and ensure SCP-330 is properly secured.

Personnel must avoid the removal of SCP-330's contents when transporting or handling the anomaly for their safety.


SCP-330 appears to be a round stainless steel bowl containing multiple individually wrapped candies, with each candy piece having a different colored wrapper.  Each variant of these wrapped candies appears to grant the consumer some form of beneficial effect, with each effect being different depending on the variant.

Additionally, it has been observed that subjects who attempt to take more than two wrapped candies from the bowl result in the lower arms of said subject being amputated by an unknown cause or force. The result of this amputation causes the following:

- Bleeding
- Loss of item utility

The documented variants of these candies found in SCP-330 are the following:

SCP-330-1 | Yellow

SCP-330-1 has been observed to grant the consumer an astonishing jump effect, allowing said consumer to jump easily to a height estimated at around 2 and a half humanoids. This effect can stack if multiple instances are consumed of SCP-330-1.

SCP-330-2 | Blue

SCP-330-2 has been observed to increase the movement speed of the consumer drastically, allowing said consumer to outrun any average humanoid with ease. This effect can stack if multiple instances are consumed of SCP-330-2. The movement can also be further increased with the additional consumption of coffee.

SCP-330-3 | Red

SCP-330-3 has been observed to produce a slow but accelerating health effect within the consumer of the candy. This effect can stack if multiple instances are consumed of SCP-330-3.

SCP-330-4 | Pink

SCP-330-4 has been observed to explode a subject within five seconds upon consumption of the anomaly. Testing personnel have been advised to steer clear from the consumer if they're testing with this variant.

SCP-330-5 | Purple

SCP-330-5 has been observed to change the consumers' walking speed upon consumption, they will either become slower or faster. Within a minute, the subject will return back to normal walking speed.

SCP-330-6 | Dark Blue

Upon consumption of SCP-330-6 the subject's skin will turn "purple". SCP-330-6 has also been observed to give the consumers some form of fire resistance, the exact extent of this is currently unknown. SCP-330-6 is also known to "cure" a subject from the disease observed by SCP-409.

A Research Paper by Doctor Sarah was discovered with the date: July the 1st, 19XX.

We know that whenever someone consumes "SCP-330-6 | Dark Blue", they will gain what I believe, fire resistance, now can the said fire resistance be able to help someone from suffering heavily upon being burned alive with the chemical: "Liquid Immolant"?

Doctor Sarah sprays "Liquid Immolant" on the test subject that consumed SCP-330-6

Apparently, the candy can stop someone from burning alive within a second after someone sprays the "Liquid Immolant" on them.