SCP-409 // "Contagious Crystal"





Anomaly Classification System (ACS)

Euclid: The item requires moderate Special Containment Procedures and is difficult to contain.

Ekhi: The disruption caused by this item would extend to a large metropolitan area to an entire country. The spread is difficult to contain and difficult to manage.

Critical: The possibility of recovery from the anomalous effects of the item is impossible, always 100% lethality and death is instantaneous.

Revision 08/30/19██ | Special Containment Procedures


SCP-409 is to be kept in a Standard Sphere Entity Shaft inside the Medium Containment Zone, Floor four (4) and five (5), at Paragon Research Facility.  

No direct human contact is permitted with SCP-409 outside of events such as testing. If personnel hear the Containment Chamber of SCP-409 being interacted with outside of testing, they're to report it immediately. 

In the event of a test being conducted with SCP-409, the Researcher is to communicate with their Combative Escort via the radio. The Researcher will be responsible inside of the SCP-409 control center for turning off the Lethal Gas switch.

In the case of a biohazardous breach, personnel may utilize the hazmat suit to stay safe from the anomaly. If SCP-409 breaches, Mobile Task Force Eta-9 "Wardens" will be the first on the priority list to deal with the Containment Breach. All testing that takes place in the Medium Containment Zone will require an Eta-9 "Wardens" escort.


SCP-409 resembles a large quartz crystal. Any sentient object that makes contact with SCP-409 will start to crystalize within five (5) seconds of contact. An SCP-409 instance  will have  decreased walking speed, resistance to a variety of sulfur-based explosives, such as bullets and grenades, and finally resistance to blunt force trauma. 

When an instance of SCP-409 is terminated, they will lay on the ground for an amount of time before combusting a large amount of crystals which do not seem to be infectious.

Addendum 409.1 | Combustion Ability: SCP-409 instances have been seen to be able to spread their crystal in a large area in a short period of time using an ability. 

10/10/19██: The control center of SCP-409's containment chamber.

03/07/198█: The interior of SCP-409's containment chamber.

07/05/197█: Senior Researcher Dr. Allison overlooks SCP-409s chamber.

Addendum 409.2 | Combined Ability with SCP-330-6

Instances that are covered by SCP-409's crystals will have their crystals turn into a purplelish color after consuming SCP-330-6.
It is currently unkown if this makes the instances stronger and/or more resiliant.

06/11/19█: SCP-409 instance after consuming SCP-330-6