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Amira R. Ali - Technician

Amira R. Ali is a technician working for the SCP Foundation, currently stationed at Paragon Research Institute, Site-40. Amira has a timid demeanor and oftentimes scared of things such as tall heights and Class-D personnel. 

Originally hailing from New York, her parents being from Togo in Africa, not much is known about her childhood. When she originally got a job for the Foundation, she claims that there was an ad for a Foundation front organization, it being an electrical company, in the newspaper. 

It has been said that her parents moved to New York for a better life for her. Amira has stated 'It is rather admirable.' She moved to Colorado for a more peaceful, quiet life. 

She worked for the front company for two weeks before being moved into the Foundation itself. She claims that upon being briefed on the Foundation they made her run several medical tests including multiple Cognitive Resistance Value tests. It has been confirmed she has worked at PRI for around four months. 

She currently has allegations against her for being a 'traitor' to the Foundation by Field Inspector Joshua R. Hammond. Amira claims she used to have a team of fellow technicians before they were all killed in an accident- she claims that one of her friends named "Sarah"'s corpse fell onto her in the incident.
- Dr. Allison, Dr Zip

Abraham T. Booker - Technician

Abraham was raised in Boulder, Colorado. He went to a Technical High School and became certified to start working for a trade. Abraham was suggested to work for the SCPF by his father. His father is currently working in the upper public levels of Site-40 and is not currently aware of the situation that Abraham has to face within the private sectors or the foundation's intentions. Currently, Abraham is receiving compensation after being attacked by CDs due to the small combative forces at that time.

Sebastian D. Alexander - Technician



Adley K. Ardyth - Technician

Adley is a Spanish-American man. He went through the Foster Care system as a baby. He doesn't remember much about his childhood, only that he was moved around from foster homes until his parents came around, they adopted him and brought him to Severance, Colorado where he was raised since. Adley can be described as very talkative. He followed his father into repairing cars. He doesn't know when he was born since nobody told him. His story goes as follows: He was seen boarding an International flight from Spanish-Italic regions to an unknown state in the USA, accompanied by a woman who was said to be his 'caretakes', thus she was allowed to board. After the plane landed everyone left except Adley, who might've been forgotten. The cleaning ladies soon found him and took him to an orphanage. The authorities tried to find the woman for several weeks but they were unsuccessful. He is thought to be around 33 yo. His foster family was strict and pressured him to get good grades.

Adley presumably suffers from Psychogenic Amnesia, that is inherited after some severe trauma happens to the hippocamus. It was the aftermath when a PENTAGRAM Auditor went rogue and injected Adley and some other colleagues with a large dose of amnestics. He was given another dose of the amnestics, this event soon developed his disorder. He wasn't told what exactly happened, but he was seen running from her on the CCTV tapes, the incident itself wasn't seen on CCTV. If he looks at bright lights for too long, any sort of lighting, he gets a massive headache, and his whole body starts to feel abnormal.

Joshua R. Hammond - Field Inspector

Joshua R. Hammond is a field inspector under the SCP Foundation, as of July 19uh, they are currently stationed and monitoring at Paragon Research Institute, Site-40. They have 10 years of experience in the SCPF.

Joshua cannot recount the majority of their childhood or life before joining the foundation, however, they recount that they were born and raised in Birmingham, England, before moving to the States in the '60s to attend MIT for an education in Robotics and Engineering. They then got a job in a Massachusetts company specialising in Robotics for a couple of years.

Sometime after, Joshua was then recruited into the Foundation as a Scientist, which they find odd since they had more experience in the Engineering field but was hired for the Research aspect. They do claim that they think their family name had an impact on them being hired.

They attended an SCPF orientation and decided that they wanted to join the Research team at Site-21. Sometime later, that site's combative forces were unable to control the heavy rioting by the Class-D personnel. As a result of this, the Council decided that Site-21 was a lost cause and they detonated the Site-21's on-site nuclear warhead after evacuating most of the personnel there.

Sometime later, they were promoted to the Field Inspector position and they are currently tasked to inspect sites and report anything that the site needs attended to the Council. They also oversee projects in this position, noting that they monitor/organize many great projects during their tenure.

William T. Bentham - Pentagram Auditor

William T. Benath was born in Dallas, and became a marine at a young age. He has mentioned he served in Vietnam, where multiple of his childhood friends were killed in the conflict. After his time in the marines, he began to work for PENTAGRAM, as a auditor. 

William is currently in hot water with PENTAGRAM and other auditors due to the fact he has been shown executing another auditor on site. He refuses to give specific details, and it is theorized this killing could be for power, espionage, treason, or other motives. He has stated that if he gave a more in depth look into the state of PENTAGRAM, he and his interviewer would be killed.

William has ties with Joules, another auditor, who accused him of a killing- not a execution.
-Dr. Zip

It has been learned that William killed that person due to a command order allegedly.

From the many interviews with William, William states that Pentagram is not in a very good state, blaming Kingsley for using the situation when it came to discovering SCP-079 to their advantage. They say that Kingsley played Teller as an incompetent person. They say due to them getting Director, they also free-rank many personnel like Joules. - Dr. Birthday & Ven 

Erica Q. Palmer - Pentagram Auditor

Erica Q. Palmer was born and raised in a small village in Mexico. She reported that she had a descent childhood.

 When she was an young adult, she joined and actively worked in the police force around South America, before becoming a Human Rights Ambassador. As a Human Rights Ambassador, she went around prisons pushing for changes in those environment. She says that she does basically the same thing at SCP foundation facilities.

She says that she find her job to be enjoyable, but she doesn't like the infighting of Departments. She could be consider as a hard worker.

Parker V. Adams - Pentagram Auditor

Parker V. Adams was born in Dallas, like William. Even though they were coming from a poor family, they manage to make ends meet, Parker didn't enjoy childhood to the fullest due to them struggling with school and having a horrible behavior back then. After High School, they joined the military. claiming that they don't have anywhere else to go in life. They fought in Vietnam for 4 years. Sometime later, they then received an invite from the PENTAGRAM organization to join their SPEAR team.

Eventually, they decided they want to leave the combative side of the organization and they transfer to being an Auditor.

Joules J. Williams - Pentagram Auditor

Joules J. William was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. She said that her parents were abusive. When she was 16, she ran away from home to enlist in the U.S. Army. She went through the NCO program to get into the army. She was then later handpicked into SPEAR, but instead they transfer to become a PENTRAGRAM Auditor.

Before coming to PRI, she worked in an office in Washington D.C. and jumped between a couple of sites. She also mention that Robert Kingsley was their mentor before they rose to the rank of Deputy Director.

Carley J. Williams - Pentagram Auditor



George H. Montgomery  - Researcher

George H. Montgomery is a Senior Researcher that was a World War 2 veteran. They recently transferred to Paragon Research Institute in the line of multiple transfer. They might have transferred from Site-32, a site that George says that he doesn't appreciate the executive command there or their ancient technology.

They have worked in the Anomalous Science Field since their early 20s.

Robert Kingsley  - Pentagram Director

Thought to born to Russian parents in Massachusetts, USA. Robert Kingsley currently serves as the Director of Pentagram, replacing Teller. 

They are also stated to be Joules' mentor before they rose to the rank of Deputy Director. Nothing else is known about Robert's personnel life to everyone that are not in Robert's inner-circle. There is a possible lead for more information about Robert, that could be accessed through Joules, due to them dating Robert back then. 

As of Late July, 19##, sources state that they personally think that Robert may not be fit for the director position due to their incompetence.

You may struggle to request Robert for an interview, since Robert is currently experi3nc1HG 1$ 2$68 3n83A*@3! 5% 333 25  4@$@$RFeR#Rd...WA Th3 0nL-.-- h1nt ther33 is t0 gettiNg Rob3rt o0n-sit3 is "PENTA"