Specialist Program 

& Expert Role

Safe Specialist

Euclid Specialist

Keter Specialist

Esoteric Specialist

Chemical Specialist

Lore Specialist


Specialist Program

The Specialist designation is given to researchers who have demonstrated an extensive knowledge of a particular subject matter. There are five qualifications available for this designation: Safe, Euclid, Keter, Esoteric, & Chemical. The requirements for obtaining the Specialist designation in each containment class(or the ScD Lab) may vary, but they are generally very similar. A list of the specific requirements for obtaining the Specialist designation in each containment class(or chemical) can be found below:

Safe Specialist

Due to the large amount of safe SCPs, you are only required to attend a lecture for 5 SCPs for Safe Class.

Euclid Specialist

Keter Specialist

Esoteric Specialist

Chemical Specialist

Lore Specialist

Once you have met the requirements mentioned above, you can request to become a Specialist by using the pinned format in the #requirements-logs channel.

Becoming a Specialist will provide you with the following perks:


Becoming an Expert will provide you with the following perks:

Please note that these benefits are subject to change. If you have any suggestions on how to improve or change these benefits, please feel free to share your ideas in the #suggestions channel.

Expert Role

Meet the Scientific Experts

 Dr. A Gren
Lead Professor

A role reserved for any Specialist that went out of their way to get specialised in the entirety of the Specialist Program. Those that currently hold this role are extremely dedicated. Currently, the requirements to earn this role are the following: