Student Handbook

Table of Contents

Section I > Introduction

This document is directed towards new Research Students and will provide all the necessary information that students need to know to carry out their duties. Scientific Command hopes that this document will help new students in their endeavours within ScD. This document serves as a centralized hub for all key information a student will need to know during the "Academic Program". 

Section II > Key Locations

Below is a list of the key locations around the site, please note this does not include all locations, just the ones you will need to know as a Research Student. Students are welcome to explore the site in the ScD Private Server to get a better understanding of the site layout.


SL-5 Lobby

CDC Viewing Area

Loading Bay

Breach Shelter


Section III > SCP Interactions

In PRI, many SCPs roam freely around the site, while you cannot test on these SCPs, you may interact with them while on-site. Below is a list of regulations you must follow when interacting with SCPs:

Section IV > Academic Program

1. Research Seminar:

Students will join the game and go through a tour of the PRI hosted by a Research Instructor or above. The tour will cover areas you need to know such as the auditorium and CDC, by the end of the tour you will have gained a basic understanding of the layout of our site, along with areas related to your role here at Paragon. After the site tour, all Students will be walked into the ScD’s classroom to go over the main guideline, general “get-to-knows”, ethical examples, SCP restrictions, and more. Students will be required to take notes or memorize the information given to them. At the end of the seminar, there will be a small test to demonstrate that they have acquired the basic knowledge.

2. Cleanroom Certification:

Students will be guided through a test on one of the Safe Cleanroom SCPs. The SCPs will be chosen by the host. The host will be supervising the test and will give the Students tasks to complete throughout the test, the host will explain every step if the test to the attendees, including how to request personnel, actors and SCPs. The event should be hosted in the public server and must appide by all normal testing rules.

3. Complete a test:

Students will have to complete and submit one test on their own. Team tests or Mock/Group test submissions are allowed. The graded test report needs to be at least the minimum passing grade (D). You must complete a Research Seminar and Cleanroom Certification before you can host tests on your own.

4. Final Exam:

Once the Students have completed all previous activities, they will be given an exam on the information that has been presented to them. All information in the test will have been in the previous phases. They must get 90/130 to pass the exam. Once all questions are answered, Students should submit a rank request and await their results.

5. Regulations:

Further regulations can be found in the Code of Ethics:

This documentation was created and approved by High Command.