SCP-4966 // "Pillow Pets"




Anomaly Classification System (ACS)

Euclid: The item requires moderate Special Containment Procedures and is difficult to contain.

Vlam: The disruption caused by this item is localized to a small group of people.

Warning: The anomalous effects of the item are mild to significant, the individual may feel mild to major effects from the item. 

Revision 07/12/19██ | Special Containment Procedures


SCP-4966 is to be kept at Paragon Research Facility, testing with SCP-4966 is to be done in a Standard Anomalous Entity Chamber inside of the Cleanrooms.

Standard free-roam is given to SCP-4966 due to SCP-4966's non-hostile nature. SCP-4966 has been seen to annoy SCP-2561 in the past, the most notable incident being SCP-527 command SCP-4966 to "attack" SCP-2561 (see page SCP-2561).


SCP-4966 resembles a circular pillow with a face that can shift between multiple emotions. SCP-4966 is a sentient anomaly, being able to perceive it's surroundings and is a form of intelligent life. SCP-4966's emotions are usually  neutral, joyful, or sad, each emotion having an unknown number of possible faces given by SCP-4966. SCP-4966 is capable of outrunning a standard healthy person due to its higher-speed sprinting capability. It is unknown how such speeds are possible considering their physicality.

Upon a juice box or soda being thrown onto the ground, SCP-4966 will begin to rapidly circle around the object and run into the object, switching whatever emotion it had previously into a joyful one.

"3/30/198X: A picture taken of D-4576 getting gunned down by a instance of SCP-4966-Red within Chamber-01 of the Hawkins Low Security Biologicial Testing Laboratory." 

Addendum 0.2 I Further anomalous traits shown in 4966 instances. 

As of 9/4/19XX, 4966 instances seem to have developed a speech pattern of sorts. The following is a excerpt from Dr. Entropy's journal log. 

"They've began talking. Somehow. Like, just literally talking. Words, nouns, sounds. Regardless, I'm sending researchers to work on this project. We'll find out how coherent they can get in basic English. At the moment, it's just.. basic words, GOD, ROSE, PILLOW, COFFEE.. it can definitely learn more. We could use this to our advantage."

The Research Project regarding this sudden change in behavior is underway.

SCP-4966 Standard Instances


TAN, also sometimes confused with BROWN, is one of the most common instances of SCP-4966. It is a very friendly and playful instance and will happily accept most items from personnel. It will play with other instances and personnel, even dropping other pillows items. However, do keep in mind they will still devour the head of any personnel on the ground.


May be mistaken for Tan. Brown seems to be able to form bonds with personnel who give it items it likes. These instances can become very territorial, claiming different areas where they will gather items and store them there, which they will defend from anyone who gets too close. They’ll accept a wide variety of items from personnel, including items such as candles and special weapons. 


BLACK instances of SCP-4966, sometimes considered gray, are generally shy and fairly quiet instances. They  don’t enjoy being crowded and will only accept some  items, but BLACK appears to be picky and doesn’t accept everything. They will often accept juice and soda from personnel. Occasionally they will take items from personnel but drop them shortly afterwards, discarding them.


Olive coloured pillows are usually passive, tending to favour the company of combatives with specialized weaponry and tools who they’ll follow around for tools to consume. 

Revision 26/07/19██ : They seem to favour special weapons, such as flamethrowers or A.I. marksman rifles. They only tend to attack if they feel threatened or are stolen from. They may also attack personnel who refuse to give them tools.

Addendum 06/12/19██ : Olive coloured pillows will offer items to the Pink instances of SCP-4966 in an attempt to make them happy. - Junior Researcher foot3331


RED instances are extremely hostile and will attack personnel on-site, using any tools or guns they can consume against personnel. It is highly advised that Foundation personnel avoid these instances where possible. RED instances often appear in groups and will actively hunt people - seeming to prefer eating people over items. RUBY acts as a neon variant of RED, and takes up a leadership role when it’s on-site.


This instance is very passive and shy. It appears to be the most timid of all the SCP-4966 instances. By carefully gifting light pink items and keeping your distance, you are able to tame the instance. This creates strong bonds with the person and they’ll stay by their side. This instance will accept juice and soda if you intend on befriending it. Strangely enough, this instance will intently chase Broadcast despite its shyness.

SCP-4966 Neon Instances


ROSE, a rare instance of SCP-4966. Initial reports suggest this instance acts as a leader to other pillow pets, with many seeming to follow  ROSE, providing it with gifts and protection.




A rare instance of SCP-4966. This instance from initial reports has shown a strong dislike of fire, and will attack those who hold candles or use fire based weaponry. It has also previously shown a dislike of Mr. Deeds, possibly linked to his lighter. 


A rare instance of SCP-4966. Lime is somewhat passive, and seems to get along well with other pillow pets. It appears to be saddened by the death of personnel. It has the unique ability to duplicate items it receives. This ability is potentially dangerous as it allows weapons such as the flamethrower to be duplicated and provided to other SCP-4966 instances who can use it to cause greater harm.




During testing on SCP-4966-RED, SCP-4966-RUBY was found. This took up a leadership position like other instances, which appeared to make the other RED instances more coordinated. 

We know next to nothing about this currently.