Student Handbook
Table of Contents
Section I > Introduction
This document is directed towards new Research Students and will provide all the necessary information that students need to know to carry out their duties. Scientific Command hopes that this document will help new students in their endeavours within ScD. This document serves as a centralized hub for all key information a student will need to know during the "Academic Program".
Section II > Key Locations
Below is a list of the key locations around the site, please note this does not include all locations, just the ones you will need to know as a Research Student. Students are welcome to explore the site in the ScD Private Server(or on the main however you must follow location restrictions) to get a better understanding of the site layout.
Often abbreviated as "CR”.
This is where you will complete the majority of your tests as ScD.
Base ScD may not enter unless testing, ScD Command may enter at any time if they have a valid reason. Base ScD may enter the CR with a ScD Command if attending a lecture or seminar.
If MP is not present at the checkpoint to brief, base SD will take over briefing.
SL-5 Lobby
This is where you will wait for your Class-Ds after you make a request.
You may not pass the black and yellow striped line under any circumstances.
CDC Viewing Area
Often abbreviated as "VA";
This is where civil personnel usually hang around;
You can come here to guage the status of the CDCZ before requesting Class-Ds.
Loading Bay
Often abbreviated as "LB”.
This is where most inanimate object SCPs are stored.
You may not enter the Loading Bay under any circumstances, you may only enter the outer waiting area shown above.
To retrive an SCP from the Loading Bay make a request in the radio as detailed in Conducting an Experiment.
Breach Shelter
Often abbreviated as "BS”.
You should go here whenever the breach or raid alarms are sound.
If you are testing while the alarms are sound, you should postpone the test and immediately take your CDs and yourself to the BS unless the combative can handle the test.
This is where most foundation events are hosted.
The scientific department uses the Auditorium to host lectures.
Section III > SCP Interactions
In PRI, many SCPs roam freely around the site, while you cannot test on these SCPs, you may interact with them while on-site. Below is a list of regulations you must follow when interacting with SCPs:
Do not intentionally anger SCPs
Angering SCPs can lead to punishments.
If you accidentally anger an SCP, apologize immediately and end the conversation.
Interactions should be respectful and mature and should not in any way be used to entice the SCP into committing a malicious act.
Do not attack any SCPs whatsoever.
No ScD members are allowed to conduct self-testing. (This includes picking up/using SCPs on themselves other than SCP-662 or SCP-005)
Section IV > Academic Program
1. Research Seminar:
Students will join the game and go through a tour of the PRI hosted by a Research Instructor or above. The tour will cover areas you need to know such as the auditorium and CDC, by the end of the tour you will have gained a basic understanding of the layout of our site, along with areas related to your role here at Paragon. After the site tour, all Students will be walked into the ScD’s classroom to go over the main guideline, general “get-to-knows”, ethical examples, SCP restrictions, and more. Students will be required to take notes or memorize the information given to them. At the end of the seminar, there will be a small test to demonstrate that they have acquired the basic knowledge.
2. Group Test:
A Group Test is an event hosted by a Research Instructor+ on the public server, where members of ScD come together to conduct a test. The host of the event is responsible for the test, and any SCP can be tested as long as it falls under the host's clearance level. Attendees of the event can propose test questions and hypotheses.
3. Final Exam:
Once the Students have completed all previous activities, they will be given an exam on the information that has been presented to them. All information in the test will have been in the previous phases. They must get 108/135 to pass the exam. Once all questions are answered, Students should submit a rank request and await their results.
4. Regulations:
All requirements must be completed in order.
The Student has an indefinite amount of time to complete the program.
If you fail the exam at the end of the seminar, you must participate in another seminar. (Unlimited number of attempts)
After the first 3 requirements are completed, you will need to request for an exam in #requests
If you fail the final exam you can try again after 6 hours.
Further regulations can be found in the Code of Ethics:
This documentation was created and approved by High Command.