Science Guidelines
Table of Contents
Section I > Introduction
The Scientific Department is the cornerstone of the Foundation and holds the responsibility of studying and classifying all anomalous entities contained within the Paragon Research Institute. Moreover, the research executed by the department is implemented to establish containment protocols for these anomalies. Comprising of the finest researchers from all over the globe, the Scientific Department is a formidable force to be reckoned with.
Section II > Chain of Command
Central Command
Research Director > Security Clearance 4 | Limit 1
The Research Director is responsible for all Scientific Department operations and is the executive lead of all administrative functions. They are also the primary representative liaison to Senior Foundation Command.
Deputy Research Director > Security Clearance 4 | Limit 1
The Deputy Research Director's role is to support and work with the Research Director to ensure effective oversight and leadership of the department. They assist in creating the department's large-scale plans, manage its functions, and step in for the Research Director when needed. Furthermore, the Deputy Research Director serves as an additional liaison to Senior Foundation Command.
High Command
Board of Research > Security Clearance 3 | Limit 4
Board of Research members have several responsibilities such as maintaining and expanding the department, suggesting significant legislative changes, and executing those changes. Their primary role is to supervise the rest of the administration and guarantee that the department's daily operations run smoothly. Moreover, they act as representatives to Foundation Command.
Medium Command
Research Supervisor > Security Clearance 2 | Limit 8
Research Supervisors are members of the Scientific Department Command. They have demonstrated an exceptional level of dedication to the department and have achieved success in their previous positions. As part of their role, they are also considered the primary administrative board of the department. They have the authority to vote and propose legislation and are responsible for delegating tasks assigned by their superiors.
Junior Command
Research Instructor > Security Clearance 2 | Limit 20
Research Instructors are the most prominent members of the Scientific Department Command. They are considered role models for other department members. At this stage of their career, their responsibilities shift from conducting experiments to leading projects, organizing departmental events, and more.
Research Staff
Senior Researcher > Security Clearance 1
Senior Researchers are highly experienced members of the Scientific Department. Due to their extensive knowledge and their valuable contribution to the department, they are authorized to perform testing and cross-testing on any SCPs that are publicly accessible and are responsible for Initial testing. They are also allowed to conduct mass tests on all SCPs. (Must be requested in #special-test-request)
To progress to the next rank, Senior Researchers will need to:
Co-host 3 Student Seminars
Lead 2 Research assignments or Research Projects
Be a member of the department for 4 weeks
Have no moderate or severe infractions on record
Complete the Scientific Command Academy
Purchased: "Research Instructor" (140 Research Points)
Researcher > Security Clearance 1
Researchers are personnel who have a moderate amount of experience in the Scientific Department and are responsible for learning about the Anomalies held on-site. As a result, they can test on: all non-esoteric SCPs and SCP-343. Which means that Researchers may also be able to conduct tests in the HCZ. Due to their level of expertise, they can request ethical waivers for CR and MCZ SCPs and conduct mass tests on Safe SCPs. (Must be requested in #special-test-request)
To progress to the next rank, Researchers will need to:
Co-host a Student Seminar
Co-host a Group or Mock Test
Been in the department for 14 days
Been in the Researcher position for 5 days
Purchased: "Senior Researcher" (100 Research Points)
Pass the Senior Researcher Exam (80%)
Junior Researcher > Security Clearance 1
Junior Researchers are personnel who have gained experience in the Scientific Department and are now ready to conduct testing on moderate-risk SCPs with fewer restrictions. Said SCPs are all Safe SCPs, some Euclid SCPs, and SCP-343.
To progress to the next rank, Junior Researchers will need to:
Attended 2 lectures
Attended 3 Mock/Group tests
Been in the department for at least 7 days
Purchased: "Researcher" (70 Research Points)
Assistant Researcher > Security Clearance 1
Research Interns are personnel who recently graduated from the academic program. As part of their position, they are allowed to conduct basic tests on Safe SCPs within the Clean Rooms. Additionally, they are permitted to spectate tests that are carried out in the Medium Containment Zone.
To progress to the next rank, Assistant Researchers will need to:
Attend 2 Lectures
Attend 2 Mock or Group tests
Purchased: "Junior Researcher" (50 Research Points)
Research Student > Security Clearance 0
This position is an entry-level position that personnel must go through an academic program. During this program, participants will attend various events and must pass a final exam to complete the program.
To progress to the next rank, Research Students will need to:
Attend a Student Seminar
Attend a Group Test
Pass the Final Exam (70%)
Section III > Resignation Act
If you resign or are removed from the department, your past actions will not be considered for future promotional requirements or any other systems that rely on personal accomplishments in case you decide to return to the department. Additionally, if your name is mentioned on the Science Hub, either on a specific SCP page or on the Notable Discoveries page, your name will not be removed from the Science Hub, unless you are burn noticed or you specifically request us to do so.
Section IV > Testing Regulations
When testing at Paragon Research Institute, you must follow the regulations listed in this section. This section will also cover all basic information about testing, for a detailed explanation on how to test head to Conducting an Experiment
You may only test on a maximum of 3 SCPs(sentient or non-sentient) at a time
May be raised using the Research Reward system
All tests must have a combative escort
You may host non-lethal tests or conduct interviews with Lore Characters on-site
You can only host tests that involve Class-D personnel when the site is stable
When the site is unstable, you may only host tests that do not involve Class-Ds
You may only conduct tests on SL-4 when the site is unstable
You may only conduct low risk tests when the site is unstable
Your test may only require a maximum of 2 combatives when the site is unstable
You may test during a Rise but the following regulations must be followed while testing during a Rise
There may only be 1 test at a time during a Rise
Tests during a Rise may only have a maximum of 3 Class-Ds
You are not required to submit a test log when you complete a test, but no rewards will be given for the test if it is not logged
You are required to reward Class-Ds for participating in your test, and proof of the terminal input must be provided in your test log.
You are permitted to repeat previous test questions, you are not required to create a unique test question for every test
Section 4.1 > Specialist Testing
Team Tests
A team test is any test that has more than one test host. Team Testing is similar to a standard test, the only difference is that you work together with a group of up to 4 people to complete the test.
Team tests may only have up to 4 test hosts
Team tests will use the highest ranking Researcher's testing clearance
Team tests must be ethical unless an ethics waiver is in place
All members of the team test must contribute to the test report
All members of the team test will be rewarded point for the report
Mass Tests
A mass test is a test that requires significantly more CDs than the limit allows. Mass tests must be approved in #special-test-requests and the following regulations must be followed at all times:
Only Senior Researcher+ may conduct mass tests.
All mass tests must be approved by a Board of Research+
Mass tests must be ethical unless an ethics waiver is in place
Board of Research+ do not require approval for mass tests
Initial Testing
Initial testing is the period of time when an anomaly is first delivered to the site. During this period, the Scientific Department is responsible for finding out all basic information about the anomaly and deciding the anomalies containment, risk and disruption classes. All regulations associated with initial testing for base-ScD can be found below:
An assignment for initial testing will be posted in the ScD server by ScD High Command within 24 hours of the SCP's release.
For the first 3-4 days the SCP will be restricted to Senior Researcher+ and SRT Personnel, the SCP will be opened to additional personnel after this period has ended.
The rank that can test on the SCP after this period has ended will be based on the information gathered by the Senior Researchers and SRT.
Initial testing should not last longer than 1 week, if the initial testing period lasts for longer than this the SCP will be Classified as Euclid and opened to all Researcher+
SRT Command may host Group Tests to allow lower ranking ScD personnel to participate in initial testing.
All Group Tests hosted by SRT Command should be logged in #event-logs in the ScD server and the SRT logging channels.
Additional regulations regarding initial testing can be found in the SRT Guidelines
Termination Attempts
Termination attempts are any test that may result in the termination of an SCP. Termination attempts may only be conducted if the following requirements are met:
Termination attempts must have approval from the Research Director/Overseer and Actor Director
Only Senior Researchers+ may conduct termination attempts
Termination attempts must be requested in #special-test-requests
Termination attempt do not require EC approval
Ethical Waivers
If you want to conduct an unethical test, you can do so by going to #special-test-requests and requesting an testing waiver or a misc waiver, you are required to follow all guidelines listed on the channel when requesting a waiver and conducting a test.
Research Students and Interns may not request for Testing or Misc waivers
JR+ may request for waivers involving Safe SCPs and Misc Waivers
Researchers+ may request for waivers involving Euclid SCPs
Senior Researchers+ may request for waivers involving Keter and Esoteric SCPs
Controlled Breaches
If you wish to conduct a test that has a high chance of causing a breach, requires the breaching of an SCP, or includes the SCP breaching in the test plan, you are required to obtain approval from Eta-9 Central Command to conduct the test.
Additionally, an ethical waiver has to be obtained as well. Hence Controlled Breaches follow the same requirements as obtaining ethical waivers.
Section 4.2 > Additional Research Methods
Research Projects
Projects are to be conducted through a series of team tests. Projects are a long-term test or a research topic that would require multiple tests to complete, the project thread should be used to share information to other project personnel and to discuss test results. Overall, the main point of the project is to discover something. Contrary to the usual ScD testing, the final product of project testing is the most important part of it.
Anyone holding Assistant Researcher or above may start a Research Project
Research Projects will use the project lead's testing clearance
If you are testing on an SCP that is above your clearance as part of a project, you must have someone with the correct clearance present at the test, this is to avoid confusion for combatives/escorts.
You may choose between a private or public project. In private projects only people you invite may take part, but in a public project anyone may join.
Projects must be ethical unless an ethics waiver is in place.
If a project is left inactive for more than 1 week it will be removed. (Projects may be put on-hold if the situation requires it)
Section V > Interview Regulations
Interviews are another form of experiment conduct by the Scientific Department. Interviews are intended to gather information on an anomaly or Lore Character's past or current thoughts about the Foundation, or any other useful topics. The following regulations must be followed at all times when conducting an interview
Interviews within an SCP's containment chamber require the combative unit responsible for the SCP to be present during the interview
Interviews with a free-roaming SCP (any SCP you find wandering the site) do not require a combative escort
When interview a free-roaming SCP, try to move to a quieter location on-site, such as Westwood, ScD Meeting room, SL-4 Cafeteria, or any other low-traffic area
Interviews require you to have the testing clearance for the SCP you are interviewing
Any Research Intern or above may interview Lore Characters
Section VI > Discoveries
If you feel that you have discovered something for the first time you can submit it in discovery-submission. Any rank can submit a submission as long as they feel as if it was a first time discovery. There are two types of discoveries.
SCP Discoveries: These are discoveries made from SCPs. All ScD can make a SCP discovery. If you make a discovery about an SCP it will be put on there file on the ScD Website. If a discovery is very noteworthy it can be added to the ScD Notable Discoveries page.
Chemical Discoveries: If you have made a new type of chemical using the ScD lab. Depending on the amount steps it took you to get to the chemical you will be given a larger reward. Please refer to the chemical page on the ScD website for more info about Chemical Discoveries.
Lore Discoveries: Discoveries from learning something new about a Lore Character or about an Interest Group. These can also be about an anomaly.
The discovery programme aims to incentivise more creative and interesting tests, researchers can earn extra points from making discoveries during their tests. The amount of points can vary per the importance of the discovery, for example finding the origin of a SCP would be deemed more important than finding how fast 173 can move.
When you submit a discovery a Research Instructor+ will review your submission and determine if it has been found already, a bug, or just not a discovery in general.
After your submission has been reviewed by command, it will be moved to #pending-discoveries, where another Researcher will replicate your test and try to replicate your discovery.
If the 2nd Researcher gets the same result as your original submission, your discovery will be moved to #verified-discoveries and your original submission will be graded.
Grading Rubric
Discoveries are classified using a letter system, the letter is decided by the significance of the discovery, for example discovering where an SCP originated from would be more important than finding how fast SCP-173 can move.
Bonus Points:
A - 15
B - 10
C - 5
F - 0
F will only be given if the discovery can already be found on the science hub.
Section VII > Department Events
Scientific Command has developed several events to increase engagement within the Scientific Department. These events aim to achieve two objectives: to provide members of ScD with relevant information on SCPs or ScD duties, and to have fun through game nights and movie nights. Members of Scientific Command can host any of the events listed below.
Student Seminar
Seminars are training events hosted by Research Instructors or above to teach new ScD members understand their roles and responsibilities. This event gives an overview of the facility, how it works, and what ScD personnel are expected to do. Co-hosts, who must be Researchers or higher, may help by sharing their knowledge and answering questions. During seminars, everyone must be professional. Attendees should feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear. Hosts and co-hosts will provide clear answers and explanations to make sure everyone understands their role. The main purpose of seminars is to teach new ScD members about testing procedures, how the facility operates, and ethical testing. For more detail, you may check the Seminar Script.
Assistant Researcher and Junior Researcher may reattend the seminar if needed.
Department Lecture
Lectures are hosted by Research Instructors or above to teach ScD members about specific SCPs. The goal is to give detailed knowledge about an anomaly, including its classification, how it’s contained, and its properties. The host may also show the anomaly’s containment area and explain how it is secured, demonstrating the care and precision needed for its containment. During lectures, everyone must stay professional, follow the Code of Ethics, and remain respectful while the host is speaking. Participants should prepare test questions, both ethical and unethical, to discuss with the host. They’re also encouraged to share any discoveries or thoughts they have about the anomaly to help everyone learn more. Lectures are useful for Researchers wishing to test and gather information on the preferred SCP.
Lab Certification
Lab certifications are hosted by Research Instructors or above. These events teach Assistant Researchers and higher how to use lab equipment correctly, handle chemicals safely, and follow lab rules. The certification shows that attendees know the right procedures, including what’s allowed and what’s not in the lab. During the training, the host will explain how each piece of equipment works and how to safely manage chemicals. Attendees must stay professional, follow all instructions, and only use equipment or chemicals with the host’s permission. Only the chemicals approved by the host can be used. The goal of lab certifications is to give staff the knowledge and skills to work safely and effectively in the lab while sticking to the Code of Ethics and department regulations. The attendees should only be using easy to gather chemicals like sludge or acid for Certifications. People with a Lab Certification may access the Lab and use the equipment at any moment.
Test Showcase
A test showcase is a demonstration event hosted by a Research Instructor or above, with optional co-hosts (Researchers+). This event is designed to introduce Foundation personnel who are thinking about joining the Scientific Department to how tests are conducted. It shows how testing can be interesting, engaging, and rewarding, while also giving a clear example of ScD's duties. During the event, the host will perform a test, showing the right way to conduct tests, follow regulations, and maintain professionalism. All attendees, including ScD members and Foundation personnel, must stay professional and respectful. ScD members attending should not interrupt the demonstration to allow the host to run the test smoothly. This event also serves as a reminder for ScD members to refresh their knowledge of testing procedures and continue performing their tasks effectively.
Mock Tests
Mock tests are events hosted by a Research Instructors or above. These events happen in private servers to keep things organized and controlled. The goal of mock tests is to teach participants how to plan and run tests, understand test procedures, and follow all rules. Researchers and higher can help as co-hosts, helping to create realistic scenarios and guide attendees through the process. Attendees are expected to come up with ethical test ideas, stay professional, and follow all regulations, including the Code of Ethics. Role-playing is a big part of mock tests. Co-hosts roleplay, from requesting SCPs, working with Class-D personnel, and handling other tasks SD or other teams that usually handle in tests. Co-hosts act out their roles professionally to show how things should be done during real tests. Mock tests are a key way to help ScD members learn how to conduct safe, ethical, and effective testing. Mock Tests are very similar to a Group Tests, the only difference is that they are hosted in the ScD Private Server, can't use acted anomalies and that the Co-Hosts play as the teams that usually aid in testing.(CD, SD etc.)
Group Testing
Group tests are hosted by Research Instructors or above to teach ScD members how to properly test anomalies at the Paragon Research Institute. Participants need to stay professional, follow the host's instructions carefully, and avoid causing distractions. Before the test, it's important that attendees discuss test questions with the host to make sure everyone is ready. During the session, attendees must participate actively and follow all test rules, including respecting the CoE ScD guidelines. The host has full control of the event, and everyone must follow their directions to ensure safety and efficiency. Anyone who doesn’t follow the rules or behaves unethically will face disciplinary action. Group tests are essential for helping staff gain the knowledge and skills needed to conduct safe and effective tests. Group Tests take place in a Paragon Public Server. A Group Test is just like a team test, the only difference is that it is hosted by ScD Command and is a promotional requirement.
Scientific Summit
Scientific Summits are hosted monthly. These events will outline the plans of the Scientific Department Command Team for the next month, what was accomplished the previous month, and any major milestones that may have occurred. Awards will be given out to those that deserve them, and a mass test with all of the attendees will be held at the end of the event.
Section VIII > Department Duties
Research Staff Duties:
Assistant Researcher - Researcher
Anomaly Research - Anomaly Research is the Scientific Department's primary duty, this duty covers testing and interviewing the anomalies contained at Paragon Research Institute. More information on testing can be found in the Testing Guidelines.
Senior Research Staff Duties:
Senior Researcher+
Leading Research Projects -
Leading Assignments -
Section IX > Research Points & Rewards
Research Points are the Scientific Department's primary currency, and can be used to purchase promotions or rewards. The section will cover how to obtain research points, and what you can purchase with the points.
Section 6.1 > Obtaining Research Points
Group Test
Mock Test
10 Points
5 Points
3 Points
3 Points
2 Points
Lab Cert
Group Test
Mock Test
8 Points
8 Points
5 Points
5 Points
2 Points
Section 6.2 > Research Rewards
Section X > Specialist Programme
Safe Specialist
Euclid Specialist
Keter Specialist
Esoteric Specialist
Chemical Specialist
The Specialist designation is given to researchers who have demonstrated an extensive knowledge of a particular subject matter. There are five qualifications available for this designation: Safe, Euclid, Keter, Esoteric, & Chemical. The requirements for obtaining the Specialist designation in each containment class(or the ScD Lab) may vary, but they are generally very similar. A list of the specific requirements for obtaining the Specialist designation in each containment class(or chemical) can be found below:
Safe Specialist
Attend 5 Safe Class SCP lectures
Due to the large amount of safe SCPs, you are only required to attend a lecture for 5 SCPs for Safe Class.
Conduct 10 B+ test/interviews
Euclid Specialist
Attend all Euclid Class SCP lectures
Conduct 5 B+ tests/interviews
Keter Specialist
Attend all Keter Class SCP lectures
Conduct 3 B+ tests/interviews
Esoteric Specialist
Attend all Esoteric Class SCP lectures
Conduct 2 B+ tests/interviews
Chemical Specialist
Conduct 5 B+ tests
Record yourself making a chemical that takes 3 steps to make. Send the video in #request-hub.
Once you have met the requirements mentioned above, you can request to become a Specialist by using the pinned format in the #requirements-logs channel.
Becoming a Specialist will provide you with the following perks:
A special role in the ScD server;
The ability to test/cross-test on all SCPs in that class (this doesn't void supervision)
A 25% increase in research points for tests on SCPs in their specialised class;
The ability to host ScD assignments (once a week) related to their field of expertise.
Becoming an Expert will provide you with the following perks:
A special role in the ScD Server;
The ability to test/cross-test on all SCPs;
The ability to do reward tests without supervision such as, increased SCP limit, Mass Test and a SCP-131-GRY test. (You still have to request the reward);
The ability to test without supervision during initial testing;
A 40% increase in research points from all sources;
All other perks from being a Specialist.
Please note that these benefits are subject to change. If you have any suggestions on how to improve or change these benefits, please feel free to share your ideas in the #suggestions channel.
Expert Role
A role reserved for any Specialist that went out of their way to get specialised in the entirety of the Specialist Program. Those that currently hold this role are extremely dedicated. Currently, the requirements to earn this role are the following:
Must be a specialist in 3 out of the 5 categories
Pass the Expert Exam
Make a ground-breaking discovery in any field (one that is website-worthy)
ScD Command must approve of you becoming an Expert
Section XI > Awards Programme
The award The Awards program has been created as a way to recognize and award members of the department for their dedication and excellence's to the department. These awards will only be awarded to those that deserve them the most, at the end of each month High and Central Command will decide who will receive each award. Awards would be given for contributing greatly to the department and for greatly improving our understanding of an SCP.
Section XII > Researcher of the Month
Every month, one non-command member and one command member will be nominated for the title of Researcher of the Month. The selection will be based on their activity both on-site and on the ScD server. Board of Research+ will be responsible for choosing the Researcher of the Month. To be eligible for this nomination, a user needs to have hosted at least five tests in the last month.
Researcher of the Month Includes:
150 Robux Reward
35 Reward Credits
Special Discord role for exactly one month.
Stands out separately from other non-command members in the ScD Discord
Host 1 unethical test on any SCP (needs to be approved by Director first)
Become a member of Anomalous Absurduties for 2 weeks
Becoming a member of AnAb will let you help Professor Quibblestein with his tests and activities, should he see you on site.
This documentation was created and approved by Central Command.