SCP-9773 // "Professor Quiblestein"
Anomaly Classification System (ACS)
Esoteric: Quibblestein doesn’t fall under Safe, Euclid or Keter, secondary class is needed.
Ticonderoga: The Foundation is currently unable to contain this anomaly, however this anomaly also doesn’t need to be contained as it is friendly towards the Foundation.
Notice: Some may be impacted negatively by his void portals, such as mental and physical distress. While this is in extreme cases, it should still be noted that he is a reality bender.
Amida: Quibblestein can affect reality itself. The lengths of which could be affected are unknown, as he is known to travel dimensions. As per this, we believe he could be able to edit dimensions itself.
Professor Quibblestein is the Director of Anomalous Absurdities working for Paragon Research Institute. The overseer is confirmed to be MIA by Quibblestein.
Quibblestein should be treated like all Foundation personnel.
He is anomalous, as he tends to appear onsite through a reality-bending portal, of which he seems to specialise in. Personnel are advised NOT to go through them, as Quibble may see this as intrusive, and are advised to respect his privacy.
His portals seem to have the current abilities, which he will cycle through for his needs.
Healing Portal
A black portal with a green outline. This is used to heal personnel caught directly in the line of fire of said portal.
Void Portal
A black portal with a white outline. This portal can encapsulate personnel, trapping them in a black void dimension for up to a minute.
Fire & Ice Portals
The elemental portals, noted to be mainly fire and ice, are used to harm others, either by: freezing them or setting them ablaze on fire. The outline of these portals are described to be fiery or icy depending on which one were summoned.
Teleportation Portal
He can teleport willingly to different places, with seemingly no limits on where to.
Speech Control
He can also seemingly control people’s voices and speech, using this to create agreements whenever people disagree.
Interdimensional Areas
Anomalous human handling
He owns a small, assumed pocket dimension in which he warps to his will. In this area, the walls are pink, and are similar to a CR room.
There is a large over-saturated eye watching from the small viewing area.
This is his office. There are two chairs, a disco floor, and a standing desk with a phone and computer. The lighting is a dark pink.
The "Upside Down."
Not much is known about this dimension, as he is rarely seen in it, or bringing people to it. It seems to be a upside-down bedroom of sorts, oddly similar to the ones seen in CDC.
The space you will be teleported to after entering the void portal. Some people may not like the feeling of this experience.