SCP-008 // "Zombie Plague"
Anomaly Classification System (ACS)
Euclid: The item requires moderate Special Containment Procedures and is difficult to contain.
Ekhi: The disruption caused by this item would extend to a large metropolitan area to an entire country. The spread is difficult to contain and difficult to manage.
Critical: The possibility of recovery from the anomalous effects of the item is impossible, always 100% lethality and death is instantaneous.
Revision 08/21/198█ | Special Containment Procedures
SCP-008 is to be kept in a Standard Sphere Entity Shaft inside the Medium Containment Zone, Floor four (4) and five (5), at Paragon Research Facility.
No direct human contact is permitted with SCP-008 outside of events such as testing. All direct exposure contact with SCP-008 and/or its instances, is 100% lethal and 100% contagious. Personnel that received contact with SCP-008 outside of a controlled event are to be terminated immediately.
In the event of a test being conducted with SCP-008, the Researcher is to communicate with their combative escort via the radio.
In the case of a biohazardous breach, personnel may utilize the hazmat suit to prevent infection of SCP-008. If SCP-008 breaches containment, Mobile Task Force Eta-9 "Wardens" will be the first on the priority list to deal with the Containment Breach. All testing that takes place in the Medium Containment Zone will require an Eta-9 "Wardens" escort.
Controls of SCP-008:
In the event of not being able to use the controls, the Mobile Task Forces personnel escorting the test is to be notified.
Select the desired element you wish to be inserted. Chlorine is SCP-008-1, Hydrogen is SCP-008-2, and Neon is SCP-008-3
Pull the "Open" Lever
Press the "Start" button for the flow.
If you wish to stop the gas, just stop the flow and reverse what you did.
SCP-008, is a biohazardous Euclid-class anomaly that's spread through an airborne infection. Should a human be infected with SCP-008 or by an instance of SCP-008, they will turn into what essentially is a "zombie". There have been three (3) reported types of "zombies", each with their own properties and effects which are listed below. SCP-008 is preventable through hazmat or CBRN suits and provided to ScD, MD, and MTF personnel. Should an individual get infected with SCP-008, they're to immediately start spreading the infection to other personnel.
05/17/198█ The control center of SCP-008's containment chamber.
04/09/198█ Entrant Johnson collecting a sample of the humanoid in SCP-008's chamber. The sample is currently being analyzed by Paragon's Bromine Branch.
Different Gasses
SCP-008 has a control panel in which 3 different gasses can be released individually or in unison with one another. Each gas has different properties, and resulting anomalous changes to its subjected victims.
SCP-008-1 "Chlorine"
This iteration of SCP-008 will turn members who inhale this gas into what we call "standard zombies". They will appear as your stereotypical zombie, which you'd find in a horror film. With green skin, and below average motor control, they will begin to chase Personnel in efforts to spread the infection. They do not appear to be any faster than an average person, and exhibit no supernatural abilities or effects.
SCP-008-2 "Hydrogen"
SCP-008-2 will cause infected persons to become larger than the average human, about 9-10 feet tall. Instances who have been infected with SCP-008-2 are slower than the average person, and are easily avoided. However, the infected members do show a greater resistance to damage than the other two (2) instances, and thus require more force to take down. I could neverヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪